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  KITANO Yoshitomo back home

ONIGIRI Strategy is a good way to keep our health.

My friend who came from Japan brought a tabloid named 'Sports Nippon'. According to this paper, High school Rugger man Captain Iguchi....

He takes breakfast in his home. After arriving high school, Eats 2 ONIGIRIs. Eats BENTO (a box lunch), after 2nd Classroom. Eats lunch at lunch time. Before practice of rugger, eats bread. on the bus, eats 2 ONIGIRIs. Eats dinner at dinner time. He build up his 86kg weighted body by 7 times eating per day. Somo wrestler might be surprised also!
How can I say about it....He eats all the day. Oh! It's great.

When I was university student, People said 'You are able to eat much!' and surprised. But my mileage is not good. It means meal goes out immediately. So I can't put on weight. I feel uneasy about my physical strength. It's not good for Environment also. I don't want to play rugby from now. But playing the piano and composing need physical strength.

In the world, somebody is in ill humor when they are hungry. But I am never so. I have confidence to become a Moslem( because they have to fast once almost every year. Am I hungry little bit? It's good! If I am hungry, my brain is working speedily. It's like a drug. So HANGRY is not problem for me.

Especially, When I'm composing, I have to write while I can write. 'If I take some meal now, I will forget every notes...' So I can not eat.

But after a hour, my FUEL will truly be going to run out... I feel heavy.

Cutting meal makes me good condition for a while, but totally It's a loss.

At the conclusion, 'I should take 3 meals per day!'
( It's needless to say it again! Everybody says so...)

Anyway...I take ONIGIRI strategy. Like Iguchi captain, when feel hungry, take meal immediately. If I feel hungry little bit, ONIGIRI. Like a refreshments, ONIGIRI. If I CAN eat, ONIGIRI... I think one or two ONIGIRI don't send my blood to my stomach. So my brain will be working well again. This way keep my body strength well. Maybe my weight will be increase.

Today I made 3 ONIGIRIs from 3 caps of rice. It was made with red perilla. Delicious!